Simply FAB

High School Senior Pics


We've created stunning SETS that allow us to take your yearbook photo in a truly private and wonderfully exclusive open air setting in Portland, OREgon

Our Approach

Document What Makes You Special

Senior pictures in Portland don’t have to be ho-hum or over-the-top fashion shoots - in fact we've found that sweet spot that lets a person look natural and relaxed. 

As seasoned high school senior portrait photographers, we will let your true colors shine right through. Contemporary portraits with a modern twist.

A low-volume, high-service studio, we focus our skills on a select group of seniors each year. With unique backgrounds, talented senior photographers and a vintage-craftsman environment - you'll have senior photos you won't mind Mom hanging on the wall.

I searched a LONG time for a photographer that had great style, skill...AND that help me feel comfortable and natural in front of a camera. Kim was amazing.
— Katje, google + review

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Wall Layouts You’ll Love

Senior photographer in Portland, Oregon, Kim Campbell

Our Photographer

With over 20 years of portrait photography, our photographer Kim Campbell offers a natural portrait that captures character, personality and style.


Located in the Heart of Sellwood Moreland


Where to find us

We’ve got a private outdoor photography oasis in the heart of Sellwood-Moreland.

Hand crafted and gorgeously selected backgrounds in our private outdoor photo studio at Campbell Salgado Studio. Choose from dozens of custom backgrounds.

by appointment only

Location: 8107 SE 16th Avenue, Portland, OR